SONS Outreach (Save Our Neighborhoods & Streets) will be hosting a welding orientation for youth in the Blue Water Area.
The Your Future Now Welding Session II is presented by The Talented Tenth. It will be a parent/student orientation held on Wednesday, March 8th, at S Custom Welds located at 2401 16th Street (behind Blue Water Glass) in Port Huron. The orientation will be held from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
There is a $50 charge to attend, but students can earn money for showing up to the training courses, which would offset any cost, and end with a profit being earned for the parents/students.
If accepted, students will then begin attending the 10 week welding course starting March 15th. Students will be able to earn incentives, gain mentors, and make new friends, all while learning a valuable skill for future employment. This course is specifically designed for high school students.
For more information, visit their Facebook page at: SONS Outreach.
Reporting for WGRT – Choze Powell