Several local law enforcement and first responder agencies were hard at work this weekend for
special training related to active shooter situations. In October 2018, the Office of Community
Oriented Policing Services approved a $24,941.00 grant under the 2018 COPS STOP School
Violence: School Violence Prevention Program to the Port Huron Police Department. This grant
provides funding for area departments to train for Active Killer events. The first training took
place Saturday at Port Huron Schools Early Childhood Center. Agencies participating in the
training included the Port Huron Police and Fire Department, Michigan State Police, U.S. Border Patrol, Tri-Hospital EMS among several others. The Port Huron Police Department will be hosting more first responder training sessions under this grant in 2019 and 2020. Training will provide first responders with information on: how to respond, quickly engaging the
killer/stopping the threat, tactical first aid, working with fire and EMS and more.