St. Clair County Health Department Phasing Out Their COVID-19 Hotline

The St. Clair County Health Department (SCCHD) is concerned with the health and well being of residents living in the area, and are announcing that they will be discontinuing the use of their COVID-19 hotline phone number and email.

During the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, residents were still learning about the effects of the virus and how to deal with the situation. Although they are discontinuing the hotline, those with COVID-19 related questions and inquiries can still call or contact the main office via telephone or email. 

Public Information Officer, Jennifer Michaluk says, “Over 50,000 calls/emails have been received over the past three years of our pandemic response and the hotline served its purpose as a helpful community resource.” 

If you have questions or concerns in regards to COVID-19 you can call or email the St.Clair County Health Department at: (810) 987-5300/

Reporting for WGRT – Choze Powell