The St. Clair County Retirees’ Association will hold their Luncheon Meeting on Wednesday, February 6th at the Charles Hammond American Legion Hall, 1026 Sixth Street, Port Huron. Doors open at 11:30 a.m., with a buffet lunch served at 12 noon. Cost for the luncheon is $10.00/person for Association members and their guest; and $12.00/person for non-members. A $2.00 fee will be charged for non-members attending the presentation only. The program will feature the showing of a November 2018 interview by Channel 4 with Association member Don Tuthill. The interview, which was conducted in observance of Veteran’s Day, highlights Mr. Tuthill’s life in the Army Calvary during World War II and includes the events and rescue surrounding the torpedoing of his transport ship and his life following discharge from the military. Membership in the Association is open to retirees from all St. Clair County departments or their surviving spouse. For more information, please contact Sharon at or 810-987-9185.