State Rep. Andrew Beeler Starts Term

State Representative Andrew Beeler was sworn into the Michigan House on Wednesday to represent the 83rd District. Although national politics has focused largely on activity at the Capitol over the last week, Beeler says his main focus is on his district and the people he represents.

After the swearing in ceremony, the 101st Michigan Legislature had its first session, and House Speaker Jason Wentworth spoke and set the tone for future sessions. According to Beeler, Wentworth encouraged the Legislature to help improve the transparency and accountability of government, and inspired the group to shore up the people’s faith in [government] institutions.

When asked what it was like to be in his first session representing the 83rd District, Beeler said, “It was a really humbling moment. What really hit home for me was that I am here on behalf of my community.”

Beeler went on to say, “I think that after all the campaigning and all the door knocking and going through the issues back and forth, in that moment there was a calm. [There was] humility understanding what an honor it is not only to be in that chamber but also to represent the 90,ooo people who live in the 83rd District, my home and my neighbors.”

Beeler is still working out the details on how his constituents can best communicate with him. For now, he will keep people informed through his social media and through local news sources, and he is available by email at and by phone at 517-373-0835.

Reporting for WGRT – Jessie Wiegand