State Rep. Jaime Greene Denounces Budget Proposal Raiding Teachers’ Retirement Fund

During Teacher Appreciation Week, State Representative Jaime Greene condemned a budget proposal from Lansing Democrats aiming to divert up to $670 million from teachers’ retirement funds to other state priorities. The proposal, brought to vote in the House on Wednesday, met  opposition from Greene, who labeled it as an affront to hardworking educators.

Greene emphasized the significance of the retirement fund, designed to honor teachers’ dedication and service, not to serve as a discretionary fund for political agendas. Despite recent strides in funding other post-employment benefits for retirees, the Michigan Public School Employees Retirement System remains burdened with a $24.4 billion debt.

Governor Whitmer’s plan to reduce contributions to the teacher retirement system, if enacted, poses significant risks, with economists indicating a 50% chance of underperformance, potentially leaving retirements underfunded. Despite warnings, Democratic legislators persist in endorsing budget proposals redirecting vital resources away from teachers’ well-deserved retirement security.

Reporting for WGRT – Choze Powell