Survey Shows Local Media Commands Higher Public Trust Than National Outlets, Despite Decline In Numbers

A recent survey conducted by unveils a nuanced perspective on media trust, highlighting the enduring credibility of local news outlets in contrast to their national counterparts. With 3,000 participants, the survey indicates a substantial 60% of respondents express confidence in local media, surpassing the 47% trust level for national outlets. 

Despite a concerning decline in local news outlets nationwide, this revelation underscores the pivotal role played by local journalism in informing communities.

However, the trust in local media is not uniform across the United States. While an impressive 83% of Delaware residents trust their local media, this figure drops to 50% in states like Tennessee, Oregon, and Idaho, revealing regional disparities. Notably, in Michigan, local publications enjoy high regard, with 71% of respondents affirming their trustworthiness, positioning them among the most trusted media outlets in the country.

Reporting for WGRT – Choze Powell