Golf Season is upon us and the St. Clair County Child Abuse/Neglect Council will be hosting a charity golf outing at St. Clair Golf Club at 1714 River Road in St. Clair. They are inviting the public to plan now to enter a foursome into the outing, donate an auction item or basket, become a sponsor of the event, or simply join in for dinner after golf. Organizers say this outing is a four person scramble with a 1:00 p.m. shotgun start followed by dinner. Early bird price is $400 for a team of four if paid by June 30. The Child Abuse/Neglect Council provides child abuse prevention education in every elementary, middle and high school in St. Clair County, singular forensic interviewing of alleged child abuse victims, victim advocacy services and support groups to victims and their families. Organizers say that fundraisers like this makes providing these services possible.