Unity of Blue Water will present The Luck Factor, a special three-week talk series at 10:30 a.m. during Sunday services beginning March 3. The talks presented by guest speaker Rev. John Considine will outline simple principles to help attract good fortune. Unity is located at 431 17th Street in Port Huron, and everyone is welcome to attend. The Luck Factor series is based on the book by Richard Wiseman, PhD, University of Herefordshire. His research revealed that lucky people do not achieve their dreams and ambitions purely by chance. His work identifies simple techniques to help improve all areas of life, including relationships, personal finance and careers. Rev. Considine is excited to share these principles to help people change their luck and change their lives. “What this study by author and researcher Richard Wiseman Ph.D. defines as ‘luck,’ we in Unity know as the ability to manifest through our thoughts and words,” Considine reports. “It’s so great to see it amplified and extended in scientific form.” For more details on The Luck Factor talks at Unity, March 3, March 10 and March 17, visit www.unityofbluewater.orgor call Unity of Blue Water at (810) 982-2820.