The Ongoing Science Behind Omega-3 And Mental Health

Contemporary science continues to unveil positive connections between omega-3 and cognitive well-being. While it may not make you “smarter” per se, ongoing research highlights a spectrum of brain-related benefits from long-chain omega-3 EPA and DHA found in fatty fish and supplements.

Renowned author and researcher Udo Erasmus, in his groundbreaking book “Fats that Heal Fats that Kill,” underscores essential fatty acids’ pivotal role in human health, combating diseases like heart disease and cancer. Numerous studies delve into omega-3’s diverse advantages, from reducing heart disease risk to enhancing learning skills, lowering anxiety, and aiding brain development.

Erasmus alerts to a crisis: Omega-3 being removed from modern diets. With omega-3, he envisions not just healthier individuals but also reduced healthcare costs in the future.

Reporting for WGRT – Choze Powell