Three Probable Cases Of Mumps In St. Clair County

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services and St. Clair County Health Department have confirmed two probable cases of mumps in adults who traveled internationally to India and became ill after their return in early March. The third probable case is a student at Fort Gratiot Middle School in Port Huron.  Mumps is a vaccine-preventable disease that is spread through saliva or mucus from the mouth, nose or throat, usually when the person coughs, sneezes or talks. Symptoms of mumps usually begin 16-18 days after exposure, but can appear up to 25 days after exposure and may include:

  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Muscle aches
  • Tiredness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Swollen and tender salivary glands under the ears on one or both sides

Mumps can occasionally cause complications, especially in adults. Complications may include:

  • Inflammation of the testicles
  • Inflammation of the brain
  • Inflammation of the tissue covering the brain and spinal cord (meningitis)
  • Inflammation of the ovaries and/or breast tissue
  • Deafness

Dr. Annette Mercatante, St. Clair County Health Department’s Medical Health Officer stated “The measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine is the best protection from mumps. It is important to make sure you and your children’s vaccines, including MMR, are up to date now and before any international travel.” Mercatante also reiterated the importance of overall vaccination, “Vaccines save lives, and a fully vaccinated community protects each other.”  The St. Clair County Health Department offers the MMR vaccine and travel consultations. Walk-in vaccine clinics are available on Mondays from 10:00 am – 6:00 pm, at the main office located at 3415 28th Street in Port Huron. Vaccination and travel consultations are available by appointment Tuesday through Friday. Call (810) 987-5300 to schedule.  For more information, visit or call (810) 987-5300. Follow us on social media @scchdmi.