Time to Nominate for Yard of the Year

Does your neighbor deserve the coveted yellow tulip for their stunning landscaping skills? It’s time to nominate your favorite homeowner or business for the City of Port Huron Beautification Commission’s Yard of the Year contest.

The deadline for nominations is Friday, July 15, 2022, and they can be submitted to the Port Huron City Clerk through mail by writing the nominee’s name and address on a sheet of paper or by filling out the nomination form available <HERE>. You can also email nominations to beautifyph@porthuron.org.

The Beautification Commission selects members from the local Master Gardeners group to judge the nominees. Residential winners are recognized with a wooden yellow tulip to place in front of their homes. Business owners or nonprofit winners receive a plaque.

Judging takes place from the street at the end of July, and the awards will be distributed in September.

For more information, visit PortHuron.org