Port Huron Town Hall welcomed author, journalist and producer Denise Kiernan at Monday’s lecture. Kiernan wrote two instant New York Times best sellers, The Last Castle and The Girls of Atomic City. Over a 20 year writing career, she co-authored several history books and other publications. She spent the bulk of the talk discussing her research on the Vanderbilt Home in North Carolina. Prior to the program, Town Hall President, Sarah Touma announced the line up for 2019-20- Opening the season in October with Captain Mark Kelly, NASA space mission commander – in November Steve Hartman from the CBS Evening News weekly feature segmet “On The Road”…in December Three Men and a Tenor will entertain and in February 2020, Elizabeth Smart, one of the most followed child abduction cases will tell her personal story. In March The Capital Steps will return to the McMorran Stage. Tickets for next season are currently for sale.