Trailer Safety Week Reminds Drivers to Be Careful When Pulling Trailers

It’s Trailer Safety Week and the Michigan Department of Transportation wants motorists to be aware of the safety concerns when drivers are pulling a trailer on roadways. As thousands of motorists pull trailers packed with lawn equipment, off-road vehicles, kayaks, and more, it’s important to get it right every time.

MDOT and the National Association of Trailer Manufacturers say that safe towing depends on the driver, the tow vehicle, and the trailer. A lot is riding, literally, on safe and proper driving and drivers should be focused and limit distractions.

Using an adequate tow hitch is vital to keeping the roadways safe. Correctly attached safety chains are crucial after a properly hitched trailer. Making sure trailers are loaded properly is also important. Weight distribution is critical.

Having the right vehicle to tow the trailer, checking the components of the trailer, and securing the cargo are other ways to make sure a trailer accident doesn’t ruin a trip up north or a day on the job.

Reporting for WGRT – Jennie McClelland