At a press conference Wednesday, the United Way of St. Clair County announced the second of four waves of programs to be funded by their 2018 Campaign. UWSCC’s Improving Quality of Life through Health and Advocacy Impact Area is receiving about $260,000 to help raise the quality of life in our community. Those receiving funds include Catholic Charities of Southeastern Michigan for Mental Health Counseling; Community Enterprises of St. Clair County for Ramp Construction; the Council on Aging Inc. serving St. Clair County for their Senior Project Fresh; Lake Huron Foundation for Pharmacy Assistance through the People’s Clinic for Better; The Arc of St. Clair County for increasing independence through Advocacy; Visiting Nurse Association-Blue Water Hospice for subsidized home and hospice care for patients. According to Danny Negin, President of the Board of Directors at United Way, programs and funding for the two remaining impact areas will be announced in July and August.