United Way of St. Clair County announced their first of four waves of programs to be funded by their 2018 Campaign. Each of these programs fall into UWSCC’s Teaching Youth Life Skills Impact Area. At a press conference held at the United Way on Wednesday, Executive Director Doug Dolph stated that a total of over $81,000 is being released to five organizations for eight programs, to help the community’s youth have a stronger bridge into young adulthood. Organizations included The Harbor, Girl Scouts of Southeast Michigan, SONS, Michigan Crossroads Council-Boy Scouts of America and The ARC of St. Clair County. According to Lisa Fecteau, Street Outreach Worker at the Harbor, the funds they are receiving will be used for their Street Outreach Program, focusing on at risk youth ages 12 to 21. According to Doug Dolph, Programs and funding for the three remaining Impact Areas will be announced throughout the summer; one Impact Area per month.