United Way of St. Clair County (UWSCC) will host their annual St. Patrick’s Day Breakfast on Friday, March 15th from 6:00am until 10:00am at Freighters restaurant, 800 Harker St, in Port Huron. Kick off your St. Patrick’s Day weekend with a delicious all-you-can-eat buffet-style breakfast, for $12.95, and fun Celtic music and atmosphere. Learn more about the programs UWSCC funds by joining in on the merriments or tuning in for live interviews with UWSCC’s Affiliated Organizations. Musical guests include Celtic Cross, Keltara, and Brian Leslie with his bagpipes. Festive swag will be available for sale to help you get decked out for the holiday weekend. Is the Luck of the Irish with you? Two free breakfasts will be given to one lucky person through a Facebook contest starting at midnight on March 6th and ending at 11:59pm on March 10th. Visit UWSCC’s Facebook page for details on how to enter. UWSCC’s St. Patrick’s Day Raffle drawing will take place at 9:30am during the breakfast. There are just under two weeks left to stock up on your chances to win one of four fantastic prizes! Tickets may also be purchased at the breakfast between 6:00am and 9:30am. Finally, at the end of the event, UWSCC will have a door prize drawing. The prize will be a Freighter Trip Raffle Ticket. So many chances to win. All while enhancing the lives of our neighbors. Full event details may be viewed on www.uwstclair.org/eventsraffles or www.facebook.com/events. All proceeds to benefit United Way of St. Clair County.