Volunteer at Rock The Block 2022

Looking for an organization or event to volunteer for this summer? Well, on August 20th from 8 – 3 PM, our friends at the Blue Water Area Chamber of Commerce and Blue Water Habitat for Humanity are looking for volunteers and sponsors for their upcoming Rock the Block event.

What is Rock the Block you may be wondering? It’s a collaboration involving The Blue Water Area Chamber of Commerce, Blue Water Habitat for Humanity, City of Port Huron, and Port Huron Parks and Recreation. Their goal is to bring the community together to beautify the neighborhood of KIND Park in Port Huron.

There are four sponsorship levels that will offer a variety of advertisement and promotion spots such as having your logo on the Rock the Block event page, your name on the back of volunteer t-shirts, and more!

For questions or more information about the event, contact Joyce at (810) 985-7101 or email Kara at kara@bwhabitat.org.

Reporting for WGRT – Choze Powell