We haven’t seen a lot of rain in the past few days, but that doesn’t mean the danger has subsided for St. Clair County residents that live downriver. Justin Westmiller, Director of St. Clair County Homeland Security and Emergency Management said yesterday, he understands “there has been a lot of talk about boat wakes in the county affecting waterfront property due to our flooding and high water situation. We have reached a critical point.” He went on further to say that the water table in the southern part of St. Clair County has reached the surface and the ground is completely saturated.
County drains are also completely full and spilling over. Westmiller said going forward, “the water has the potential to come up a couple more inches this month. So, everyone needs to focus their property protection actions on the dwelling and less on the sea wall.” He also informed reporters that there is no state or Federal funding available. However, if you do hold FEMA flood insurance and are impacted by damage, you should contact your provider. Westmiller’s office is continuing to monitor the situation daily, and it certainly has their full attention.