More road construction in the area of Range Road and I-94 is expected to start Monday. The project will be modernizing the traffic signal at the intersection of the westbound I-94 off ramp.
The traffic light will be upgraded to an “Intelligent Transportation System”. The system uses information and communication technology to improve safety, and efficiency and reduce traffic congestion.
The intersection will also now have a box span signal. The box span signal design is a new method for positioning traffic signals in an intersection. Instead of stop lights on a cable in the middle of the intersection, the new ones are placed near each corner of the intersection.
The project is expected to be complete by December 19th at a cost of $170,635. Nearly $1.2 million has been spent this year on the construction of a roundabout for the Range Road, Eastbound I-94 and Dove Road intersection.
Reporting for WGRT – Jennie McClelland