Lansing, MI — On Friday evening, Governor Whitmer released a few new updates concerning Michigan’s response to COVID-19. They included extension of the summer gasoline waiver, extension of watercraft registrations, and an extension of Michigan’s Safer at Home order until June 12, 2020. She also extended her emergency declaration until June 19, 2020.
The summer gasoline waiver extension extends the temporary extension of Michigan’s Reid Vapor Pressure standards to prevent a gasoline shortage and subsequent high prices at the pump. Any gasoline that doesn’t meet the requirements can be distributed to retailers through May 31, 2020.
Michiganders who own a watercraft that is registered in the state or who purchase new watercraft can operate it in Michigan waters until July 31st without displaying an identifying number and decal, provided the operator of the vessel possesses a proof of purchase or equivalent evidence that the vessel was acquired after January 1, 2020. Additionally, law enforcement cannot issue tickets as a result of watercraft decals that expired after September 30, 2019. The state cannot assess late fees for expired decals as long as boaters renew their registration by July 31.
Under the recently signed Executive Order 2020-96, the Governor allowed for the immediate authorization of small gatherings of 10 people or less (as long as they practice social distancing), the reopening of retail businesses and car dealerships by appointment on May 26th, and a green light for health care providers to perform nonessential medical, dental, and veterinary procedures on May 29th. This new Executive Order (2020-100) however, extends the temporary closure of certain places of public accommodation such as theaters, gyms, and casinos until June 12th.
Reporting for WGRT – Jessie Wiegand