Wildlife Habitat Grants

The state of Michigan has announced nearly $1 million in Wildlife Habitat Grants that counties around the state, including St. Clair County, will benefit from. Audubon Great Lakes in St. Clair County was awarded just over $110,000 from that grant. Huron county will also receive some of the grant money through Pheasants Forever. The monies are to be geared toward enhancing large wetland complexes and winter deer complexes, as well as planting food sources for animals and forestry projects. 

The counties in Michigan who received the funding are projects that need to be completed by the last day of September 2021. The Wildlife Habitat Grant Program started in October 2013 and is funded through some of the revenue from hunting and fishing licenses sold each year. The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) works with the Wildlife Division and Grants Management Section to administer the program. The program’s main objective is to enhance and improve the quality and quantity of game species habitat in support of the DNR Wildlife Division’s strategic plan.

Reporting for WGRT, ebw.tv