Port Huron, MI — The YMCA of the Blue Water Area and The Athletic Factory each received $20,000 for youth sports programming. The grants are from the Ralph C. Wilson Foundation Legacy Fund, managed by the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan.
The YMCA is partnering with the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan to operate Sport Port, where sports equipment can be borrowed to encourage neighborhood play. The Athletic Factory is a program that provides recreational, athletic, and educational opportunities and prepares student athletes. The Athletic Factory operates out of the James R. Leonard Center in Port Huron.
The Ralph C. Wilson Foundation awarded $1.7 million in total to youth sports facilitators throughout southeast Michigan. This year’s grants were intended to support organizations in the Detroit and Buffalo, New York areas that are adapting and adjusting during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ralph C. Wilson, Jr., who passed away in 2014 at the age of 95, was the owner of the Buffalo Bills NFL team. The sale of the team funded his philanthropic work.
Reporting for WGRT – Jennie McClelland