The YMCA of the Blue Water Area is helping kids start the school year off with a program called Back to School, Back to You. Executive Director of the YMCA of the Blue Water Area Denise Brooks said donors can bring in new or gently used school clothing for a child or teen to the YMCA between now and September 30th. Donors are also welcome to “pay the day” and join the Y for that month. For instance, if you donate clothing on September 13th, you pay $13 to join. Brooks said they end up with a lot of clothing donations that are then taken to Kids in Distress Services, Inc. KIDS has a referral system with local health and human service organizations and provides a week’s worth of clothing, toiletries, and school supplies to the most fragile at-risk population. Denise also said the YMCA enjoys doing the program, and it helps to make kids feel respected and valued.