Michigan Kids on the Move
The Blue Water community always has a big heart, especially when it comes to children in need. A local family is trying to raise funds for their little boy, Isaac VanCamp, who has cerebral palsy and kidney disease, among other health concerns. Isaac, who attends Woodlands School in Kimball, uses a wheelchair, and the family is in need of a modified van to get Isaac and his wheelchair around.
Wheelchair accessible vans are an expensive investment, but make a world of difference to those with disabilities and their caregivers. The Van Camps have been able to put a down payment on a van thanks to some other local fundraisers, but could use a little help paying for the modifications. Last weekend, a fundraiser was held at Family Fun and Skate in Kimball where friends and supporters gathered pledges and and held a friendly competition in the family’s benefit.
Family Fun and Skate welcomed in wheelchairs onto the rink, and a few hundred dollars was raised, but more is needed. The VanCamps have three other children, including Isaac’s twin brother, Steven, who also has some serious health problems. The family has founded Michigan Kids on the Move, which outfits PowerWheels vehicles for kids with mobility issues and is active in advocating for children with special needs. You can find out more about this local family and ways to help them out by visiting their Facebook page “Double Trouble.”
Reporting for WGRT, Karly Hurley.