Region 6 Principal of the Year
Avoca Elementary School Principal, Therese Damman, has been recognized by the Michigan Elementary and Middle School Principal’s Association as the Region 6 Principal of the Year.
Mrs. Damman was nominated by a colleague in the Yale School District. Damman told us that she is “genuinely humbled” by the award, and that it’s really about what they do as a team at Avoca Elementary along with the community. She credits everyone from “fabulous parents to phenomenal staff” and especially her wonderful students at the vibrant rural school. She told us that having their encouragement makes her want to be a better principal.
There are fourteen regions in Michigan. Region 6 includes St. Clair and Macomb counties. According to MEMSPA, which is based in Mason, Michigan, the award is designed to recognize outstanding principals whose contributions to the profession are exemplary and recognized by their peers and communities alike. The program honors principals who have exhibited extraordinary leadership, commitment to their students and faculty, service to their communities and contributions to the overall profession.
Reporting for WGRT, Karly Hurley.