Leaf Pickup Continues
The saga of the leaves continues. Last week, we reported that Emterra, the company contracted by several local municipalities to remove leaves and provide trash and recycling pickup, assured residents that all the leaves would be picked up promptly. A spokesperson from Emterra Environmental USA told us that the trucks were on their third pass through the city, but many city streets have yet to see any action. The leaves remain as fall winds down and winter approaches.
The complaints from residents are piling up along with the leaves and the City of Port Huron issued a statement that we received on Friday, dated December 2, to address those concerns. “City Administration has shared with Emterra’s management team concerns on the bulk leaf pickup program in the City of Port Huron. Emterra will continue to complete the remainder of Zone 2 and has supplied additional trucks and personnel starting today to accomplish this. Any leaves placed in the boulevard after Emterra has passed through will not be picked up. We are aware of areas in Zone 1 that have been missed and will be included in this continuing effort.“
Zone 1 is the south side of the city while Zone 2 is the north side with the Black River as the dividing line. Regular yard waste pickup continues through the end of this week, so bagged leaves can be picked up as part of weekly trash, recycling, and yard waste pickup.
Reporting for WGRT, Kelsie Kaczperski.