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Leaf Pickup Continues

The saga of the leaves continues. Last week, we reported that Emterra, the company contracted by several local municipalities to remove leaves and provide trash and recycling pickup, assured residents that all the leaves would be picked up promptly. A spokesperson from Emterra Environmental USA told us that the trucks were on their third pass through the city, but many city streets have yet to see any action. The leaves remain as fall winds down and winter approaches. 

The complaints from residents are piling up along with the leaves and the City of Port Huron issued a statement that we received on Friday, dated December 2, to address those concerns. “City Administration has shared with Emterra’s management team concerns on the bulk leaf pickup program in the City of Port Huron. Emterra will continue to complete the remainder of Zone 2 and has supplied additional trucks and personnel starting today to accomplish this. Any leaves placed in the boulevard after Emterra has passed through will not be picked up. We are aware of areas in Zone 1 that have been missed and will be included in this continuing effort.“ 

Zone 1 is the south side of the city while Zone 2 is the north side with the Black River as the dividing line. Regular yard waste pickup continues through the end of this week, so bagged leaves can be picked up as part of weekly trash, recycling, and yard waste pickup.

Reporting for WGRT, Kelsie Kaczperski.

Santa Arrives by Boat

If you were near the Black River in Port Huron on Sunday, you may have wondered if your eyes were playing tricks on you. You may have in fact seen Santa arriving by boat to the Port Huron Yacht Club in not just any boat, but a pontoon boat outfitted as a jungle cruiser. 

Jeni Hayward-Gehlman, long time Yacht Club Member and organizer of the event, told us that Santa’s visit is part of a party for Port Huron Yacht Club members and members’ kids and grandkids. Port Huron Yacht Club is a non-profit organization that promotes sailboat racing in the Blue Water Area.  Ms. Hayward-Gehlman said, “The Yacht Club’s Womens’ Auxiliary pays for the party, as a special thank you to our members for all they do.” The Club is run completely by volunteers and doesn’t have a paid staff. This makes them unique and unlike any other yacht club on the Great Lakes. 

Sunday’s party was a great way for the club to thank its members and reconnect during the off-season. The Port Huron Yacht Club’s motto is that they are “where members make it happen” and this year they made a great memory happen for their kids with the arrival of Santa by boat.

Reporting for WGRT, Kelsie Kaczperski.

Shoes and Coats for Students

The Blue Water Area always comes through for those in need. An effort is underway to provide shoes and coats for students in need at Marysville Middle School. Mike Deising, a local Real Estate Agent, told us that he had a conversation with a teacher who mentioned that some of the students are not dressed properly for the cold weather. He said, “It’s a bigger problem than people can imagine, especially in the Middle School.” Deising and a Marysville School Board member helped the teacher with buying some coats. Mr. Deising decided to try to recruit some help on social media with a post that has now been shared over 100 times by compassionate citizens. 

Middle School students come in all shapes and sizes, so there are a variety of coat and shoe sizes needed. Coats needed range from kids sizes 12/14 to adult medium, used coats in good condition are acceptable and new coats are appreciated as well. Shoes are needed in women’s sizes 5-9 and men’s sizes 7-10. Donations can be dropped off at Deising Real Estate at 1871 Gratiot Avenue in Marysville. Social media has been blamed for a lot of society’s ills, but this coat and shoe drive in Marysville proves that it can also be used for good as this simple call to action to take care of one’s own community has gone “viral”.

Reporting for WGRT, Kelsie Kaczperski.

Flu Vaccines Available

Last week was National Influenza Vaccination Week and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services encourages residents to get their flu shot. There is currently an adequate supply of vaccines available at many locations from doctors’ offices to drugstores and health departments, according to MDHHS. There are mixed reports as to the level of “match” of this year’s vaccine with the actual circulating strain. 

The St. Clair County Health Department notes on their website that, “Even when circulating flu strains aren’t a perfect match, flu vaccination still provides protection and can help to decrease hospitalizations and doctor visits.” The MDHHS bulletin reminds us that influenza, or “the flu” is not a stomach virus, which is a common misnomer, but it is actually a contagious respiratory infection. Common symptoms are body aches, chills, and respiratory congestion. 

According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control, “The 2019-2020 flu season is underway for most of the country; however, some parts of the country are still seeing lower levels of flu activity. Activity is being caused mostly by influenza B/Victoria viruses, which is unusual for this time of year. H1N1 viruses are the next most common, followed by H3N2 viruses, which are decreasing in proportion.” Whether or not you get the flu shot, the Health Department still recommends proper hand washing, limiting contact with sick people, and of course, staying home when you are sick.

Reporting for WGRT, Kelsie Kaczperski.

ChadTough License Plates

A bill was introduced in the Michigan House of Representatives last week to give drivers another option when choosing their license plates. Currently, drivers can choose to donate to a charity and have the insignia shown on their plate. There are 33 different options for license plates, from state universities to sports teams and disease awareness foundations. The revenue from the license plate options is directed to the organizations by the state treasurer. 

The ChadTough charity may be represented on license plates in the future. The ChadTough foundation is named after Chad Carr, the grandson of long time University of Michigan football coach, Lloyd Carr. The family has used Chad’s story to raise awareness about DIPG tumors, which are an especially aggressive kind of pediatric cancer that has not had a change in treatment protocol for forty years. This is the same type of tumor that took the life of Mitch Albom’s daughter, Chika, whom he wrote his most recent book about. 

DIPG tumors are diagnosed in about 300-350 children each year and are described as “the worst kind of tumor in the worst place”. The bill recommends that the ChadTough Charity be added to the list and that “money be expended on research, technology, patient support, and education regarding pediatric brain tumors”. The bill was read last week and has been referred to the Transportation Committee.

Reporting for WGRT, Kelsie Kaczperski.

SEMCO Infrastructure Upgrades

The natural gas infrastructure is scheduled for some upgrades, such as replacing aging gas mains, but this means that SEMCO Energy Gas consumers will be paying for it with a $19.9 million rate increase. Customers will see an increase of about 9.2%. The monthly customer charge will increase from $11.50 to $12.25 but some customers will get that fee credited if they qualify for a low-income assistance credit program. There will also be reductions in reconnection fees for customers who have had their gas shut off. 

The rate increase and the associated concessions are all part of a negotiation with the Michigan Public Service Commission. SEMCO had requested a rate increase exceeding $38 million. The settlement is related to corporate tax cuts from the 2017 federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. As part of the agreement, SEMCO agreed not to seek another rate increase until 2023. Customers can expect to see a raise in their rates in the new year, but also a more reliable and upgraded natural gas infrastructure.

Reporting for WGRT, Kelsie Kaczperski.