Spero Open House
The Spero Center on Griswold Street in Port Huron is inviting the community to tour its offices. Spero will be holding an open house this Thursday from 4-7 p.m. where staff will be on hand to answer questions and offer tours of the building. Spero will also be showing some of the equipment used at the center, like the ultrasound system. The center is funded entirely through donations, and is a non-profit, faith-based, medical clinic. Spero says they provide pregnancy tests, accurate medical information, prenatal and parenting education, and more for clients and their babies. They also provide referrals for community resources that are available in St. Clair County. The center has been in existence for 33 years and has offered free care for women who have an unplanned pregnancy. In a typical year, they assist over 700 clients.
Reporting for WGRT, ebw.tv