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Marysville A&W Grand Opening

The Marysville A&W on Gratiot Boulevard in Marysville will soon be having their grand opening celebration. Renovations have been ongoing, and Assistant General Manager of the A & W, Isaac Graham, said the restaurant has been in the soft opening phase over the past few months. Graham said now “everything is up and running, providing the best service possible.” The celebration begins on Thursday, November 7th with a ribbon cutting at 4 p.m. with the Blue Water Area Chamber of Commerce. The event will continue until Sunday, November 10th. 

During the grand opening celebrations, patrons are invited to bring canned goods to support the Marysville Food Pantry and Marysville Elementary Schools. Anyone who brings in canned goods and makes a purchase will get a free, small root beer float. On Saturday and Sunday, it will be a kid’s weekend as the A&W Mascot, “Rooty,” will be on hand from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. for pictures. There will also be prizes and giveaways while supplies last. Those who donate canned goods over the weekend will also be entered to win a custom Yeti cooler, Visa gift cards, and more.

Reporting for WGRT, Mike Smith.

Traffic Light Change in Downtown Lexington

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) has changed the traffic light in downtown Lexington. In the past, the light was a flashing yellow light for the north south route on M-25 after 11 PM which resulted in slowed north-south traffic. Recently, MDOT changed the light to a flashing red that will make a 4-way stop at the intersection after 11 pm at night. Lexington Village Manager Holly Tatman said MDOT stopped by the village offices and let officials know the light had been changed by the state agency. Tatman said she “believes it may make the intersection safer in the evening hours.” Officials from the Village want residents to know that the decision to change the light was an MDOT determination and not a decision made by officials at the Village of Lexington.

Reporting for WGRT, Mike Smith.

Huron Lightship Seawall Reinforcement

The Port Huron City Council met on Monday night for their regular meeting. One of the items discussed was funding to reinforce  a steel seawall around the Huron Lightship. Recently, high water levels have crested the seawall that is already in place. Officials from the city and Port Huron Museum want to mitigate damage to the ship because the Lightship, with its historical significance, is a showpiece for the Port Huron Museum and the city. The ship, according to City Manager James Freed is also a city asset. 

The council voted unanimously to approve funding of just over $11,000 for the seawall. Freed said those funds will come out of the city’s Land Purchase Fund. The city’s contribution will be added to a $20,000 dollar grant from the Acheson Foundation. Freed thanked the Port Huron Museum’s Director Veronica Campbell and Community Engagement Director Andrew Kercher along with the entire museum staff for their help in securing the donation from the foundation. Freed said work on the project would begin soon before the ice starts to flow down the river.

Reporting for WGRT, Mike Smith.

Daylight Saving Time

This Sunday, Daylight Saving Time (DST)  ends in most areas of the United States and time will “fall back” to Standard time. When this time rolls around, many question where the idea came from in the first place. 

The idea was first proposed by New Zealand entomologist and astronomer, George Vernon Hudson. The “why” was simply to make better use of daylight.  Daylight Saving time has been used in the United States and several European countries since World War I. It was formally adopted in the United States in 1918, and repealed in 1919 because it was so unpopular. It was then again resurrected again during WWII by FDR as “War Time”, but was not federal law, so states and localities were free to choose to opt in or out, and confusion ensued.    

In 1966, President Johnson signed the Uniform Time Act into law. It was then in 1986 that Daylight Saving Time in the U.S. began at 2:00 a.m. on the first Sunday of April and ended at 2:00 a.m. on the last Sunday of October. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 extended Daylight Saving Time in the U.S., and now we  begin DST the second Sunday in March and end on the first Sunday in November. Long story short, remember to set your clocks back this Sunday, and you will garner some extra sleep.

Reporting for WGRT,

Raise the Roof

Mid-City Nutrition in Port Huron is welcoming a Las Vegas act to McMorran Auditorium to raise money for the capital building fund in an event called “Raise the Roof.” The performers, known as the Edwards Twins, describe themselves as musical illusionists. In their show, the two are able to impersonate over 100 different stars such as Sonny & Cher, Elton John, Lionel Richie, Stevie Wonder, Celine Dion, and Barbra Streisand just to name a few. They have appeared on the Tonight Show, Entertainment Tonight, and Ellen. Vice-President of Mid-City Nutrition Bethany Belanger said, “it will be the first time the group has ever performed in Michigan.” Belanger also pointed out that the two currently appear in the Netflix series The Kominsky Method. The performance will take place on November 15th and tickets can be purchased through Ticketmaster or the McMorran box office.

Reporting for WGRT,

Recent Vaping Injury Test Results

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is sharing the recent test results related to injuries from vaping. Preliminary test results from five vaping related illnesses in Michigan found that the cases varied in terms of the vaping products, but that there were commonalities. 

One hypothesis the state is investigating is that contaminants in THC vapes, including vitamin E acetate, may be related to the outbreak. Dr. Joneigh Khaldun, Chief Medical Executive and Chief Deputy for Health for the MDHHS said, “The outbreak is still under investigation, and the exact substance or devices that are causing the outbreak are unknown.” As of October 25, Michigan has had 44 confirmed and probable lung injury cases and one death. 81% of patients reported using a product containing THC. The CDC reports that as of October 24th there have been over 1600 lung injury cases associated with the use of e-cigarette or vaping products nationwide and 34 deaths.

Reporting for WGRT,