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October is Michigan Cybersecurity Month

Cyber security is a growing concern for Michiganders as they are relying more heavily on the internet in everyday life, and now Governor Gretchen Whitmer has proclaimed October as Michigan Cybersecurity Month. 

According to the FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center, Michigan residents and businesses have lost more than $42 million to cybercriminal activities so far this year. In 2013, the Michigan Cyber Command Center was established by Governor Rick Snyder. The center is the main contact point for the investigation and prosecution of cybercrimes, and is responsible for the coordination of efforts during critical cyber incidents in Michigan. 

On October 28th, the state of Michigan will host the eighth annual North American International Cyber Summit in Detroit to highlight emerging trends in cybersecurity and share best practices in policy, law, and all manner of public and private interests. Department of Technology Management and Budget (DTMB) Director Tricia Foster said, “When it comes to preventing cybercrime, individuals must be educated and remain vigilant.”

Reporting for WGRT – EBWtv

Pioneers Donating Backpacks to Students

Today AT&T Michigan’s “Pioneer” organization will be on hand at the Literacy Academy at Cleveland Elementary School in Port Huron donating 79 backpacks filled with school supplies to students. The event begins at 10 a.m. and schools along with government officials will be present. The AT&T Michigan Pioneers have participated in the backpack donation program for 20 years throughout the state. David Lewis, President of AT&T Michigan said, “The AT&T Michigan Pioneers consist of company employees and retirees who go above and beyond to better communities across the state of Michigan.” He added that AT&T is “proud to provide these much-needed school supplies to the students and bring this initiative to Port Huron.” This fall, the company will distribute nearly 2,500 backpacks in the state of Michigan.

Reporting for WGRT – EBWtv

Mid-City Nutrition Fundraising for New Facility

Mid-City Nutrition is in the middle of a capital campaign to raise money for a new facility that will soon house the organization. This Thursday, Mid-City will hold their second annual “Bling for the Building” event at the Port Huron Elks Club. Kitchen Manager at Mid-City Nutrition, Tiffany Macready said that people donate all kinds of jewelry, handbags, and other items to the event to benefit the organization. Costume jewelry and authentic pieces will be available for purchase. Money raised from the event goes to build Mid-City’s new facility. In its inaugural year, over $6,000 was raised. The event takes place from 5-8 p.m. Appetizers will be provided and there is also a cash bar. 

The group is also in the process of interviewing candidates to fill the position of Executive Director. Susan Bennett, who previously held that role, resigned her position at the end of July to pursue other professional opportunities.

Reporting for WGRT – EBWtv

K9 Vehicle Contest

Marysville Police Officer Justin Reeves and K9 Heiko continue their bid for a new Chevy Tahoe as the end of the month draws near. Vested Interest in K9s, a national company, is giving away a K9 vehicle to one law enforcement agency through a popular vote during the month of October and the community is rallying behind the duo in hopes of winning. Reeves and Heiko have been touring the area raising awareness of the contest and even local businesses are lending their support. This Wednesday, the Exquisite Corpse Coffee House is offering 10% off drink orders if customers show their vote for the Marysville pair. 30 different K9 teams from around the country were selected as finalists in the contest. Reeves says the Marysville K9 program is donation based and a new vehicle would make a big difference in the department. To vote for Heiko and Reeves, anyone can go to the Vested Interest in K9’s website and click on Reeves and Heiko’s picture, then cast a vote. The site allows one vote per day until October 31st.

Reporting for WGRT – EBWtv

SC4 Introducing High School Seniors to the Medical Field

There’s a program at SC4 that introduces high school seniors to a career in the medical field.  The program is a collaboration between Port Huron Schools, SC4, and McLaren Port Huron, and it is helping to show students what a medical career may look like in real life. Regional Community Outreach Specialist for McLaren Port Huron, Kelly DiNardo explained that “[when they] heard about the biomedical sciences program it was exciting because it provided an opportunity to enhance the education the students get in the classroom by providing them with some or the hospital experts.”  She said, “It also gives the students hands-on teaching and real life scenarios. The students have the chance to see the hospital environment.” 

Catherine Woolman, Executive Director of Instructional Services for Port Huron Schools said, “it is an opportunity for our students to see some of the state of the art equipment they may work on in the future.  She added, “students have been very interested in the equipment.” Woolman said, “students are learning that there are more jobs in a hospital other than nurse or doctor.” She said, “the program shows students all of the opportunities available for them.”

Reporting for WGRT – EBWtv

Preparing for Winter

This is the time of year for that we, as Michiganders, prepare to head into the cold winter months. One of the more important tasks to complete is the winterizing of your sprinkler system. If left undone the risk is great for cracked and leaking lines, and malfunctioning valves when it is revived in the Spring. Matt McCartney owner of St. Clair Landscape and Irrigation said, [his company is] starting to get a lot of calls right now.” He said, “the homeowner can do a blowout of their own sprinkler system, but they may want to consider using a professional that guarantees the work.” 

McCartney’s business is nearly booked for the season.  He explained that there is a short window to complete the winterizing, so companies are booked early. He said you don’t want to winterize too soon, or get started too late. When the weather is below freezing for longer stretches, anything above ground will freeze first, like backflow preventers. Since McCartney’s equipment uses large diesel compressors, he usually is able to get 90 percent of the water out of a system, including equipment above the ground. He explained that a homeowner will typically use a smaller compressor, and will leave more water, thus leaving the system more vulnerable to freezing.

Reporting for WGRT, Mike Smith