High Water Levels Continue
High water levels continue to be a discussion around the area, especially for downriver communities who are demanding a state of emergency be declared at a state level. The Clay Township Board met for their regular meeting last week and one of the items discussed was the township’s high water levels. Township Supervisor, Artie Bryson, said that Clay Township sent a letter to the Governor on August 12 asking her to declare a state of emergency in the township due to high water levels. Doing so would allow the board access to federal assistance.
Bryson said they have not heard anything back, but explained to those in attendance at the meeting that sand is currently being dredged near Russell Island by the Army Corps of Engineers. The sand is then being placed in a landfill on state-owned land on Dickinson Island. Bryson said, with a declaration from the governor the sand could be better used in areas around Russell Island, Harsens Island, and the mainland to mitigate further water damage.
Reporting for WGRT, Karly Hurley