Astronaut Captain Mark Kelly Speaks at Port Huron Town Hall
On Monday, Astronaut Captain Mark Kelly was in Port Huron as the featured speaker at the first Port Huron Town Hall of the year. Kelly spoke about his 50 days in space during his four missions. Rosella Mirabelli, President of Port Huron Town Hall, shared with WGRT highlights of Kelly’s speech. She said many of Captain Kelly’s stories focused on the experiences he shared with his family.
He shared about his twin brother Scott was also an astronaut and spent nearly a year in space as well as their parents who were both police officers. Kelly said his mother decided later in life to become a police officer, and Kelly watched her work hard to achieve her goals. According to Kelly, that is what fueled him to always work hard toward his own goals. Kelly also spoke about his wife, former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords who was shot in an assisination attempt in 2011. He spoke of how the experience forever changed their lives. Kelly’s last assignment was as the Commander of the Space Shuttle Endeavour. When asked about Kelly’s speech, Mirabelli said, “He was fabulous.” The Port Huron Town Hall series will continue next month with broadcast journalist, Steve Hartman.
Reporting for WGRT, Mike Smith.