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Sensory Friendly Activities Make Fair Accessible

The St. Clair County 4-H Fair at Goodells County Park wrapped up Saturday evening, but the impact will go far beyond the event. With many youth participating, the life skills and memories made are something that will last for years to come. This year, the fair also held new programs and initiatives. The  4-H with partners put on “Pigs with a Purpose” that benefited Mid City Nutrition, and on Wednesday, part of the day was reserved for children with special needs. A majority of RESA’s Woodland’s students attended the special fair day, and they were joined by county students participating in the LINK program. Woodland social worker Rory Ayotte said, “It was great for the students because all of the lights and music that we see typically at carnivals were turned off, allowing the students to not be impacted by sensory overload.”

City Floats Opens on Black River

City Flats hosted the first event at their ballroom in downtown Port Huron at the beginning of May. They have been opening different venues throughout the space since then, announcing the opening of the newest space this week. City Floats is now officially open to the public. The dockside restaurant and bar sits in the Black River and is currently offering a limited food menu along with drinks for everyone to enjoy. The event venue is in full swing with weddings and other events. The rest of the hotel is expected to open shortly. Residents can enjoy City Floats on the Black River on the northside of the City Flats building in downtown Port Huron. 


Canal Being Dredged Early

Last week Port Huron City Manager, James Freed reported that they received several calls about dredging the canal as there is a sandbar forming and blocking the entrance of the Black River to Lake Huron.  City officials had been waiting until a permit was issued from the DEQ or the Army Corps of Engineers. The City of Port Huron has a standing permit to dredge on August 1st. They worked with both agencies to expedite the process, and now, weather permitting, the Black River Canal will be closed to watercraft on Monday, July 22nd and Tuesday, July 23rd from the Tainter gate, located east of Gratiot Avenue, to Lake Huron. The closure is necessary to enable dredging of sand accumulated at the mouth of the canal.  

Sanilac County Deputy Promoted

Sanilac County Sheriff Garry Biniecki is proud to announce the promotion of Deputy Christopher Kravitsky to the rank of Uniform Services Sergeant.  Sergeant Kravitsky has been with the Sheriff’s Office for 9 years and has held many positions within the Office, such as; Uniform Services Deputy, Drug Task Force Investigator, Medical Examiner Special Investigator, and Weighmaster. He is a life-long Sanilac County resident and resides in the Marlette area with his wife Amber and their family.  Sheriff Biniecki stated, “This new promotion for Sgt. Kravitsky is sure to offer him new opportunities and challenges in serving the public”. 

The Port Huron Police Department welcomed a new officer recently.  Officer Jeffery Moeller has joined the department.  Officer Moeller has over a decade of law enforcement experience. Congratulations to Sgt. Kravitsky and welcome, officer Moeller.

Cooling Centers Open During Heat Wave

St. Clair County wants to help residents avoid the excessive temperatures today, so there is a list available noting local cooling centers.  Most of the centers will be available until 5 p.m. Friday evening, but  Fort Gratiot Township Hall will stay open until 9:00 p.m., and Kimball Twp. Fire Station until midnight.  Most of the other cooling centers include branches of the St. Clair County Library System and will be available during the branch’s regular hours. A complete list can be found on the St. Clair County government Facebook page. Please observe safety measures by staying hydrated and avoiding over-exposure to heat and sun. Pets should not be left outside for long periods, and need extra hydration as well. This is also a good time to check in on your neighbors and relatives who don’t have central air conditioning. 

Young Skipper Ready for Race

Saturday is race day in Port Huron as the 2019 Bell’s Beer Bayview Mackinac Sailboat Race gets underway.  220 boats are registered to compete in the yearly event. This is the 95th year that the race has been held, and this year the race will feature one of the longest boats to ever compete, a 104 foot ketch style boat named Whitehawk. There is also excitement building for one sailor, Cameron Benedict, who is the youngest skipper in this year’s race. At 26, the Plymouth, MI, native says, “I am very excited for the opportunity to own the boat. It gives me the chance to continue to grow and build on my ability as a sailor.”

Cameron has already participated in 14 Bayview Mackinac races, and last year his father Chris Benedict, who owned the Santana 35 Shape together with Win Cooper (“Uncle Win” to Cameron), decided to pass the reigns on to him. “The Bell’s Beer Bayview Mackinac Race is a challenge unlike many others,” said Cameron. “It takes discipline, stamina, strategy, sailing ability, and a bit of good luck. You can put together a strategy that appears bulletproof after studying the weather for 7-10 days prior to the race, but if the weather comes early or late…or not at all, then you’re back to the drawing board.”

The first boats will begin at 11:30 a.m. Saturday with the last starting time at 1:50 p.m. Many of the larger boats take off last, but the 104 foot Whitehawk will actually be one of the first to set sail with class K at 11:40 a.m.  The start will be just north of the Blue Water Bridge. Also competing will be a boat called Warrior Sailing whose entire crew are military veterans. Several boats from our area are also slated to make the trip to Mackinac Island. For more information on anything about the race, including a great tracking app visit the Bayview Yacht Club’s website.