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Dove Road Open

All traffic is open, and work is completed on Dove Road between Range Road and Michigan Road in Port Huron Township.  Work will continue on 32nd Street north of Dove Road until July 19th, but traffic will be allowed access to 32nd Street during construction with only minor delays expected. Work included rubblization of the existing concrete, overlaying the concrete with asphalt, partially paving the shoulder, ditch cleanout, and restoration. 

Getting Internet Out to the Country

High-Speed internet is not just a casual subject for Michiganders anymore. Former Governor Rick Snyder visited St. Clair County last year to address initiatives at the state level affecting rural areas like some found in our area. Now, Governor Gretchen Whitmer has announced the opening of applications for the Connecting Michigan Communities (CMIC) grant program to increase broadband in underserved areas of Michigan.

Some of our more rural areas in Michigan and certainly some in St. Clair and Sanilac counties have limited access to high-speed internet. Governor Whitmer said, “Access to high-speed internet is a must to compete in today’s society.” The Department of Technology, Management, and Budget is now accepting applications for the CMIC grant program. It is offering $20 million in grants to internet service providers that are willing to expand access in underserved parts of the state.

Deputy Accredited as Accident Reconstructionist

A St. Clair County Sheriff’s Deputy has become the first law enforcement officer in St. Clair County to be awarded full accreditation as a traffic accident reconstructionist.  Russ Nowiski, who works in the Commercial Motor Vehicle Unit, recently passed a very intensive test, conducted by the Accreditation Commission for Traffic Accident Reconstruction. Just being able to qualify to take the test requires a stringent background check, which includes a review of past accident reconstruction, licenses, permits and other certifications in crash reconstruction and much more.

According to its website, ACTAR is the only international accrediting body for traffic collision reconstruction. Sheriff Tim Donnellon said his office is “very proud of Russ’s accomplishment. Not only is he the first to attain this certification in St. Clair County, he is one of only 20 ACTAR certified investigators in the entire state of Michigan.” Over the course of his career, Deputy Nowiski has developed an advanced knowledge of the theory of how and why a crash occurred.

Christian Student Group Asks Court for Equal Treatment

There’s a big court case coming up tomorrow at U.S. District Courthouse in Port Huron. A Christian student group will ask a federal court on Wednesday to rule that public universities must treat religious student groups equally with other campus groups. According to Beckett, a non-profit, public-interest legal and educational institute that focuses on protecting the free expression of all faiths, “in InterVarsity Christian Fellowship v. Wayne State University, InterVarsity had its 75-year-old student organization status suddenly revoked by Wayne State University because the Christian student group asks its leaders to embrace its faith. But other student groups—such as political and ideological groups, fraternities and sororities, and even the Quidditch Club—are allowed to select leaders and members based on the groups’ mission or purpose.” The case is set for 2:00 July 10 in Port Huron.

Hazy Skies Caused by Wildfires

Yesterday there wasn’t a cloud in the sky, but many local residents noticed an ongoing haze throughout the day. Well, according to the National Weather Service, that’s unfortunately due to Canadian wildfire smoke covering most of Michigan. Wildfires burning in Alberta, Canada have destroyed more than 700,000 acres of land and forced more than 11,000 people to evacuate. Fortunately, the fires seem to be past the worst and only one, as of yesterday, was listed “out of control.” There are many fires still burning in the area, but they are currently “under control” or “being held.” The fires were at their worst in June. The National Weather Service said the hazy smoke should subside by early Tuesday.

Friends of the St. Clair River Launches Float Down Campaign

The annual float down in the St. Clair River is something that some residents look forward to every year.  Something that area residents don’t look forward to is garbage left behind by participants and the on-lookers on shore.   The Friends of the St. Clair River is launching a special campaign this year in an attempt to lessen, if not eliminate, the amount of garbage the yearly event leaves behind.  The campaign is, “A Fun River is a Clean River”. The group wants to send a positive message to the thousands to keep it clean while having fun.

On their Facebook page, The Friends of the St. Clair River states, “If you’ve been to Float Down, you know the St. Clair River, its shoreline, and beaches are left in a dismal, litter-filled condition.” The group is looking for a passionate team who wants to help them develop a marketing and outreach campaign and help the day of the event to keep it clean. Float Down is Sunday, August 18 at 1:00 p.m. at Lighthouse Beach in Port Huron.  Those interested in this effort can visit the Friends of the St. Clair River Facebook page.