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Police Introduce New D.A.R.E. Truck

It’s here!!! The Port Huron Police Department has a new D.A.R.E. truck that will be entering service soon. Patrick Eash the Port Huron Police Department’s DARE officer said, “the vehicle is a repurposed 2009 Chevy Tahoe and was made possible with donated funds through the St. Clair County DARE Board”.  Thorpe Printing in Marysville provided the graphics on the vehicle. Officer Eash said, “This DARE vehicle will be a fully functioning patrol car, and will have a dual purpose of appearing at the 6 schools currently in the DARE program”. Also delivered with the DARE vehicle was a “thin blue line” flag created by Breacher Rustics.  It was presented to officer Eash. The Thin Blue Line represents the relationship of the police in the community as the protectors of the citizenry from the criminal element. It represents those men and women that are willing to give their lives for the peace and harmony of the community they serve.

MAPS Combats Opioid Epidemic

The number of opioids dispensed in Michigan decreased in 2018 as more prescribers participated in the Michigan Automated Prescription System (MAPS). Compared to 2017, opioid prescriptions dispensed fell by 15 percent while the overall number of schedule 2-5 controlled substance prescriptions decreased by 11.5 percent. During the same time period,  the MAPS registration rate, which includes prescribers, pharmacists and delegate users, increased by more than 134 percent. Governor Whitmer said “MAPS has played a critical role in both combating the opioid epidemic here in Michigan and in ensuring patients who need prescription drugs have access to them,” “As leaders, we have a responsibility to help patients get the care they need and raise awareness on the opioid crisis and the damaging effects it has had on our families and our economy.

Nominate Your Picks for Yard of the Year

The rain has finally stopped for now, and it seems as though everything in Port Huron is in full bloom.  Yards, gardens, flowers, and trees have all come to life. Maybe there’s a yard in your neighborhood that stands out and is deserving of recognition.  Or, maybe there’s a business that you frequent or a nonprofit that you work with. As you come across these places in your travels be sure to take note of the extra special care they give to their outdoor greenery.  How about giving them a little extra credit. The City of Port Huron is beginning to take nominations for the Yard of the Year Contest. Brought to you by the Beautification Commission, the deadline for submission of a nominee is July 15.  Nominations can be submitted by filling out a nomination form on the City of Port Huron’s website. Winners will be notified at the end of July.

Bicycle Tour Travels the Blue Water Area

Remember being a kid, getting outdoors and riding your bike?  The Blue Water Ramble Bicycle Tour will try to reconnect you with some of those feelings on Sunday, June 23rd.  They are hosting one of the largest one-day international bicycle tours in North America. Riders will enjoy the majesty of the Blue Water Area alongside the beautiful St. Clair River. Passing Great Lakes ships along the way will offer a view guaranteed to please cyclists of all ages.  There are four different routes to choose from, including distances of 30, 45, 65, and 100 miles. The 30 and 65-mile routes are in the U.S. only. Riders on the 45 and 100-mile routes have the option to ride in Canada, as well. Each stop will include food, drink, restrooms, and assistance if needed. The main rest stop will be in the U.S. where a hot lunch will be served.  For more details visit the BWR event page on Facebook.

Local Construction Projects Slow Travel

For those of you headed out on a trip or even just to work the summer season is the busiest for the St. Clair County Road Commission. The Road Commission is reporting a few road watches this week for motorists. In the southern part of the county, in Casco County Line Road between Gratiot and Springborn will have intermittent lane closures for crack-sealing during the week. Residents of China Township will see two days of road closures at McKinley Road between St. Clair Highway and Fred Moore Highway due to a culvert replacement. Clay Township will also see construction with Anchor Bay Drive having single-lane closures with temporary traffic signals for a bridge replacement from now until mid-July. In Port Huron Township motorists should take notice as Dove Road between Michigan and Range will also be closed through mid-July. Although, local traffic will be allowed westbound only. All projects are weather dependent.

Lake Levels Rise Higher

According to the Army Corps of Engineers, Additional precipitation and high flows are anticipated to continue to contribute to extremely high lake levels. Based on the forecasted June 14th water levels, Lakes St. Clair, Michigan-Huron, and Ontario are predicted to rise above the previous month’s levels by 2, 6, and 9 inches respectively. Using the June 14th water level forecast, all lakes are predicted to have higher levels than last year by 10-13 inches. The projected level change by July 14th is a 2-inch rise for both Lakes Superior and Michigan-Huron. Lake St. Clair is expected to be at a similar level on July 14. Lake St. Clair is expected to exceed the average for June by 2 inches. Check out the Army Corps of Engineers website for the most up to date information.