Police Introduce New D.A.R.E. Truck
It’s here!!! The Port Huron Police Department has a new D.A.R.E. truck that will be entering service soon. Patrick Eash the Port Huron Police Department’s DARE officer said, “the vehicle is a repurposed 2009 Chevy Tahoe and was made possible with donated funds through the St. Clair County DARE Board”. Thorpe Printing in Marysville provided the graphics on the vehicle. Officer Eash said, “This DARE vehicle will be a fully functioning patrol car, and will have a dual purpose of appearing at the 6 schools currently in the DARE program”. Also delivered with the DARE vehicle was a “thin blue line” flag created by Breacher Rustics. It was presented to officer Eash. The Thin Blue Line represents the relationship of the police in the community as the protectors of the citizenry from the criminal element. It represents those men and women that are willing to give their lives for the peace and harmony of the community they serve.