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SC4 Adds Summer EMT Course As Demand For Paramedics Increases Across The Country

As EMS providers across Michigan and throughout the country work to address a widespread shortage of paramedics, St. Clair County Community College has added a summer emergency medical technician course to help students enter the field.  SC4’s state-certified, 274-hour basic emergency medical technician course runs from May 6 to Aug. 14, combining classroom instruction and clinical experience in an ambulance and emergency room to train students for careers as emergency medical technicians.  After completing the class, graduates are eligible to earn their EMT license and enter a paramedic certificate program. SC4’s accredited paramedic program prepares students to take the national registry paramedic certification exam and apply for a Michigan paramedic license in as little as three semesters. Because of the high demand nationwide, licensed paramedics have immediate access to career opportunities.  “If there is a paramedic out there with a state license who wants to work in EMS, they have a job right now,” Tri-Hospital EMS CEO Ken Cummings recently told the Times Herald.  SC4’s EMT course, ZPFT 850-01, begins with an orientation Monday, April 29, at 10 a.m. in the college’s Applied Technology Center, room 134.  “It’s a very fulfilling career,” said SC4 program director Roger McClelland. “It’s in your blood and very fulfilling to help others, and that’s what the career is all about — the service to the community.”  Those interested can find detailed information and register online at

Earth Fair Is Michigan’s Largest Earth Day Event

The 17th annual Earth Fair is Friday, April 26 from 9am – 4pm and Saturday, April 27 from 10am – 4pm at Goodells County Park in the heart of St. Clair County. Parking, admission and activities are free.  Earth Fair is Michigan’s largest Earth Day celebration. It is a two-day event designed to showcase earth-friendly options for food, energy, transportation, clothing, homes, gardening and more. By blending together demonstrations, workshops, exhibits and artisans, Earth Fair offers a unique opportunity for thousands of visitors to connect with over 60 exhibitors promoting healthy, earth-friendly and organic products and services.  According to Sheri Faust Environmental Educator for the StClair County Health Department, highlights include:

– Free Shuttle Service – Two Blue Water Area Transit busses offer free rides from the Vantage Point Maritime Center and Vinicker’s Market in Wadhams to Goodells County Park

– Tree & Shrub Sale – The Blue Water Conservation District will be selling a variety of flowering trees, conifers, shrubs and wildflowers

– Live Entertainment – There are a variety of shows offered on the Main Stage on Saturday.

– Green Guardian Award Ceremony – Awards will be presented to three winners during the ceremony on Saturday at 11am

– Butterfly House – Experience live butterflies inside a screened enclosure

– Over 60 exhibitors, workshops, face painting, give-aways, Earth Fair merchandise, and more

Earth Fair has announced its five 2019 Green Guardian Award recipients. The Green Guardian award program is the Blue Water Area’s only environmental award that recognizes businesses, schools, groups and individuals that enhance, preserve, and protect the Blue Water Area.


–          Individual – Kay Cumbow

–          Group – Memphis Lions Club

–          Non-Profit – Community Enterprises of St. Clair County

–          Business  Kate’s Downtown & The Boathouse by Kate

–          School – Woodland Developmental Center – Michelle Ebmeyer’s classroom

Visit for a complete list of event details. St. Clair County Earth Fair is a non-profit organization led by local agencies, individuals, and nonprofits committed to environmental education throughout the Blue Water Area. For more information about Earth Fair, contact Sheri Faust at the St. Clair County Health Department at (810) 987-5306 or

SC4 Registration For Fall 2019 Classes Is Now Open

Registration for fall 2019 classes at St. Clair County Community College is now open. There is no deposit required to register through May 10. Classes will fill up fast — students are encouraged to register as soon as possible in order to get the classes they need to complete their degree programs or successfully transfer to a four-year institution.  Many in-demand courses, including those that qualify for the Michigan Transfer Agreement, are available in fall 2019. A number of classes are also offered online. From business and information technology to health sciences, engineering, criminal justice and much more, students can secure their spot in a variety of courses before the semester officially begins on Monday, Aug. 19. The full list of available fall courses is online at  New students can apply to SC4 at Current students can register online through their student portal or on the SC4 mobile app. To speak with an admissions representative about options, or for details on how to get started, call 810-989-5571. For registration assistance, contact the SC4 Call Center at 810-989-5500.

MDHHS Issues Request For Proposals For Sexual Violence Prevention Programming

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for public and private non-profit organizations to implement and evaluate sexual violence primary prevention strategies based on best available evidence across multiple levels of the Social Ecological Model.  MDHHS is committed to the goal of decreasing rates of sexual violence perpetration and victimization in Michigan using a public health approach to decrease risk factors and increase protective factors that impact sustainable community/societal-level change. MDHHS expects to award approximately $525,000 annually through this competitive RFP process to five agencies, with funding of $105,000 per year to implement and evaluate comprehensive sexual violence prevention programming.  Funded applicants will receive ongoing technical assistance from the MDHHS project coordinator as well as the evaluation team from the Michigan Public Health Institute. Technical assistance will include help with program start-up, reporting requirements and barriers to program implementation.  Grant applications must be submitted electronically through the MI E-Grants program by May 7, at 3 p.m. The program period begins Oct. 1, 2019 and ends Sept. 30, 2020. For more information or to apply, visit the MI E-Grants website and select “About EGrAMS” link in the left panel to access the “Competitive Application Instructions” training manual. The complete RFP can be accessed under the ‘Current Grants’ section under the “Public Health Administration” link and selecting the “SVP-2020” grant program.

Annual Community Service Day

The Cloverkids 4-H club will host their Annual Community Service Day this coming Saturday, at the Port Huron Senior Center at 600 Grand River Ave. in Port Huron   4-H is a program of Michigan State University which adds this event to the listing of service projects affiliated with the MSU Alumni Association’s Global Day of Service on April 13th, resulting in MSU Alumni and Supporters in the Bluewater area being given an opportunity to be a part of that Global initiative.  The event takes place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and according to Mary Taylor, Cloverkids 4-H Club Administrative Leader, you can donate supplies or cash to purchase supplies.  Taylor says there are a variety of ways people of all ages can be involved including providing items to make blankets and cards.  Items needed include 2 pieces of fleece fabric 2 to 2 ½ yards long for the blankets and a number of items are needed to make cards.  They will be collecting food pantry items, as well as items for Kids in Distress.  A complete list can be found on the flyer that is posted on the WGRT Facebook page.

Ground Beef Products Being Recalled At Meijer Stores

More than 40,000 pounds of ground beef products at Meijer stores throughout Michigan and Wisconsin are being recalled due to contamination, according to a news release from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  The beef that was produced on March 20 was recalled this past Monday by JBS Plainwell Inc. in Plainwell, Michigan.  Authorities say the product may contain pieces of hard plastic.  A list of the products being recalled include:

One -pound plastic wrapped ground beef loaf with “fresh from Meijer GROUND BEEF 80% LEAN 20% FAT” with case code 47283 and sell by date of 4/10/2019 represented on the label.

One-pound plastic wrapped ground beef loaf with “fresh from Meijer GROUND BEEF 85% LEAN 15% FAT” with case code 47285 and sell by date of 4/10/2019 represented on the label.

One-pound plastic wrapped ground beef loaf with “fresh from Meijer GROUND BEEF 90% LEAN 10% FAT” with case code 47290 and sell by date of 4/10/2019 represented on the label.

One-pound plastic wrapped ground beef loaf with “LEAN GROUND BEEF” with case code 42093 and sell by date of 4/10/2019 represented on the label.

One-pound plastic wrapped ground beef loaf with “CERTIFIED GROUND SIRLOIN” with case code 42090 and sell by date of 4/10/2019 represented on the label.

One-pound plastic wrapped ground beef loaf with “CERTIFIED GROUND ROUND” with case code 42085 and sell by date of 4/10/2019 represented on the label.

One-pound plastic wrapped ground beef loaf with “Fresh! BLACK ANGUS GROUND CHUCK” with case code 42283 and sell by date of 4/10/2019 represented on the label.

One-pound plastic wrapped ground beef loaf with “CERTIFIED GROUND CHUCK” with case code 81631 and sell by date of 4/10/2019 represented on the label.

One-pound plastic wrapped ground beef loaf with “GROUND BEEF” with case code 81629 and sell by date of 4/10/2019 represented on the label.

The release stated that the recall is labeled as Class II, meaning that it is a “health hazard situation where there is a remote probability of adverse health consequences from the use of the product,” according to the release.    The matter was addressed when the company received two complaints of hard green plastic in ground beef and USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service was notified of the issue on April 5, the agency said.   Anyone who has purchased any of the products is advised to discard or return the items to the store where it was purchased.