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New Haven Coach Facing Felony Charges

Latwan Turner , a New Haven Volleyball Coach was charged Monday with four counts of third-degree criminal sexual conduct,  and one count of gross indecency, according to a release from the Macomb County Prosecutor’s office.  Turner is accused of engaging in a number of sexual encounters with a 17-year old student athlete this year, most recently at a Red Roof Inn.  Police say they found the 43-year-old coach in the motel’s parking lot at Eleven Mile and Dequindre in Warren at approximately 4 p.m. Sunday.  Both Turner and the student were inside his vehicle.  Reports say Turner requested a court-appointed attorney during his video arraignment in 37th District Court in Warren.   Police had notified New Haven Community Schools after the arrest, and the district sent a notice to parents.  A court date of February 14 has been set, with a preliminary exam scheduled for February 21.



Blue Water Area Transit Adds Eleven New Buses

Blue Water Area Transit will put eleven new buses on the road this month. With the new multipurpose buses, BWAT will provide dial-a-ride and fixed-route service. BWAT is replacing buses that have reached their seven-year life expectancy.      “Investing in these new buses continues our commitment to giving our community clean, comfortable and dependable transportation, while improving air quality,” said Jim Wilson, BWAT general manager.      BWAT’s new Champion (model LF-Transport) buses can each carry 16 seated riders (or 12 seated riders with two wheelchairs). The new buses feature a “smart” electronically controlled suspension system that maintains a smooth air ride. Drivers are able to lift the entire low-floor bus up to 2.5 inches when needed to clear bumps. Also, a large passenger-side cab window increases the curbside visibility of drivers.    The new buses are powered by compressed natural gas, an economical alternative fuel that results in cleaner air than diesel fuel. The new buses represent a $2.1 million investment in improving the quality of life throughout the Blue Water Area.    “BWAT supports local air quality by running its entire fleet of buses on earth-friendly compressed natural gas,” explained Anita R. Ashford, Blue Water Area Transportation Commission Board vice chair.  “It’s better for riders and the entire community.”   BWAT is Michigan’s leading producer of compressed natural gas, with the largest fleet of CNG buses in the state. The agency started producing the alternative fuel in 1996 and now operates four public CNG fueling stations.    The federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement program provided grant funding to purchase the new buses. The Federal Highway Administration funds 80% of the CMAQ program funds. The Michigan Department of Transportation contributes the other 20% local funding match.   The CMAQ program supports projects that contribute air quality improvements and/or provide traffic congestion relief. The program supports the attainment or maintenance of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for ozone, carbon monoxide and particulate matter.   BWAT awarded Hoekstra Transportation a contract for up to 65 buses during the next five years. Based in Grand Rapids, Hoekstra is a distributor for Champion Bus Inc. in Imlay City.   “We are always happy when a local firm bids competitively and receives the contract,” said Dave Frasier, BWAT director of procurement and capital projects.   Blue Water Area Transit continues a proud tradition of innovation that was started more than a century and a half ago by William Pitt Edison. The older brother of world-renowned inventor Thomas Alva Edison started local service with a horse-pulled trolley. In 1866, he expanded to horse-pulled streetcars guided by rails along several local routes.  Port Huron became one of the nation’s first communities to operate electrified trolleys in 1886 and then motor coaches in 1927. After an eight-year hiatus ended in 1976, BWAT became the area’s first publicly funded bus service. Since then, BWAT buses have carried more than 31 million riders.    BWAT provides ADA compliant, lift-equipped bus service six days a week. Fixed-route service is offered in the City of Port Huron and Fort Gratiot Township. Dial-a-ride service is offered in Marysville and the townships of Burtchville, Port Huron and Fort Gratiot. The agency further provides on-call service for persons with disabilities, commuter service to Macomb County, and shuttle service to major shopping centers on the northern end of the community.

Photo Credit: Dave Frasier, BWAT director of procurement and capital projects, and Lisa Delong, assistant procurement manager, inspect the newly arrived Champion buses. (photos by Rose Norton)


Winter Bird Blast Takes Flight

Friends of the St. Clair River & Blue Water Audubon Society are hosting the 5th annual Winter Bird Blast on Saturday, February 23, 2019 at the St. Clair County Administration Building Auditorium from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. & Studio 1219 from 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.  Winter Bird Blast is a day-long birding extravaganza for beginner through advanced-level birders to explore the abundance of winter waterfowl along the St. Clair River. All proceeds benefit Friends of the St. Clair River and Blue Water Audubon Society.  The morning session is from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at the SCC Administration Building Auditorium, 200 Grand River Avenue, Port Huron. It begins with an “Intro to Winter Birding” presentation by Tom Dennis, local naturalist and Times Herald Columnist, then moves outdoors to several birding hotspots along the St. Clair River. Optional items to bring include a field guide, binoculars, camera and warm clothing. Registration is not required for this family-friendly event. A $5 donation is suggested.  The afternoon session is from 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. at Studio 1219, 1219 Military Street, Port Huron. Participants follow step-by-step instruction to paint a Common Goldeneye duck scene. Tickets are $45. All ages welcome. Pre-registration is required through Studio 1219 or 810-984-2787.   Friends of the St. Clair River is the Blue Water Area’s largest environmental non-profit organization that inspires citizen action through stewardship, monitoring and education to restore, protect and enhance the St. Clair River and its watersheds. For more information contact Sheri Faust at, (810) 730-5998, or visit and “Friends of the St. Clair River” on Facebook.

The Big Thaw: Polar Vortex To Spring

The polar vortex has blasted the Midwest with bitterly cold winds, sub-zero temperatures, and in some places even up to 20 inches of snow.  But the cold spell is due to dissipate and spring like weather is to arrive promptly. This rapid thawing out across the frozen areas of the US is aberrant and could cause some serious problems for residents, including bust pipes, damaged roads and flooding.   With flooding and damage for many parts of Michigan imminent as the ice thaws, water damage restoration service providerServiceMaster Restoration by Zaba has put together some short-term tips on how you can protect your home:

1/ How to tell where pipes are frozen:

  • Look for condensation or a light coat of frost on pipes.
  • Tap pipes with a small tool, and listen for a solid sound.
  • Touch pipe surfaces to locate extreme cold spots.

2/ How to thaw a drain pipe:

  • Thaw pipes with a space heater or heat lamp positioned at least 3 feet away from flammable materials.
  • Use a hair dryer to direct warm air up and down frozen pipe lengths.
  • Wrap frozen pipe with an electric heat cable, and keep a close eye on the process.

3/ What to do when frozen pipes burst:

  • Turn off the water supply.
  • Check your electrical system.
  • Address leakage and document damage.
  • Check the ceilings for frozen burst pipe leaks.
  • Start drying out.

For more in-depth tips, please follow the below links:

United Way Hero Deal!

United Way of St. Clair County (UWSCC) announces a new opportunity for the community to be involved.  Hungry Howie’s and UWSCC present: United Way Hero Deal.  Beginning on February 1, 2019, Hungry Howie’s has graciously offered to donate 10% from all sales of the United Way Hero Deal to UWSCC.  For only $24.99, you can enjoy one Large Pizza with three toppings, one Large Pizza with two toppings, and one Howie Bread.  Many of the programs UWSCC fund provide meals to homeless and struggling families.  Feeding our society both directly and indirectly – a perfect fit for Hungry Howie’s to invest in our community.  What does this mean to you?  Pizza night just got even better!  Not only do you get a night off from cooking, you get to brighten lives in our community by raising the quality of life of those less fortunate.  Simply ask for the United Way Hero Deal at any Hungry Howie’s location, in St. Clair County, anytime you order during February and 10% will automatically be donated to UWSCC.  No extra step, no extra expense.  Today Is The Day we strengthen our community, one pizza at a time!

Lake Huron Medical Center Earns American College Of Radiology Accreditation

Lake Huron Medical Center has been awarded a three-year term of accreditation in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as the result of a recent review by the American College of Radiology (ACR). MRI is a noninvasive medical test that utilizes magnetic fields to produce anatomical images of internal body parts to help physicians diagnose and treat medical conditions.  Lake Huron Medical Center offers patients an alternative option to conventional MRI with the introduction of a wide bore MRI machine, the only wide bore technology available in St. Clair County. Wide bore technology provides a more spacious environment, allowing patients to be more comfortable when undergoing an MRI. Wide Bore MRI technology optimizes the comfort of an open bore machine with the high-quality imaging of a conventional closed bore system.  Additionally, the wide bore MRI technology also provides for more flexibility, with Technologists able to move patients into more comfortable positions and more accurate scanning; exam times are shortened with the increased accuracy and speed of this wide bore technology; and the accuracy provides greater diagnostic confidence.  The ACR gold seal of accreditation represents the highest level of image quality and patient safety. It is awarded only to facilities meeting ACR Practice parameters and technical standards after a peer-review evaluation by board-certified physicians and medical physicists who are experts in the field. Image quality, personnel qualifications, adequacy of facility equipment, quality control procedures and quality assurance programs are assessed. The findings are reported to the ACR Committee on Accreditation, which subsequently provides the practice with a comprehensive report that can be used for continuous practice improvement.  The ACR, founded in 1924, is a professional medical society dedicated to serving patients and society by empowering radiology professionals to advance the practice, science and professions of radiological care. The College serves more than 37,000 diagnostic/interventional radiologists, radiation oncologists, nuclear medicine physicians, and medical physicists with programs focusing on the practice of medical imaging and radiation oncology and the delivery of comprehensive health care services.  To learn more about the programs and services offered at Lake Huron Medical Center, visit