P.S. You’re My Hero
P.S. You’re My Hero is the 4th Annual 5k Run and 2 mile Walk on Sunday, November 11th..that honors Paul Skinner, who lost his life, saving his wife during the commission of a vicious crime against them. All proceeds will go toward resources to help victims of crime in St. Clair County. Registration is at 7:30 – race starts at 9 a.m. in front of the YMCA at 1525 3rd St, Sign up at Road Runner Timing dot com or PS You’re My Hero dot org. With funds raised, they have been able to offset the cost of putting on the run/walk and raising over $30,000 which has gone to caring for victims of crime in St. Clair County. PS You’re My Hero is the only 501 3c in St. Clair County that completely focuses on victims of crime that have found themselves in difficult times. According to Mara McCalmon, founder of the group, they have added a comfort room to the Victim’s Rights Office in the St. Clair County Court House; a comfort station with coffee, water and snacks; a comfort dog, they have provided counseling services, and assisted with financial need