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Music May Be the Solution to Some of Your Stress

Here at WGRT, we’ve been suggesting ways for you to relieve stress and to make the most of the stay-at-home requirements. One helpful solution might be as close as your radio.  For hundreds of years, music has been used to provide comfort and hope during difficult times. More recently, scientific studies have attempted to measure the potential health benefits of music.

A large-scale review was conducted by a team from McGill University. After reviewing more than 400 research papers, researchers found that listening to music not only helped to reduce a patient’s stress, it also improved immune system function. In the review, they also found that listening to music can bring order and security to disabled and distressed children and relieve depression in older people.

Researchers conclude that music has long been considered one of humanity’s greatest creative achievements; as it turns out, this creative force may have serious medical implications as well. Study after study has shown that music not only helps to reduce stress, it can improve improve overall health as well. So when you’re feeling down turn on the radio!

Reporting for WGRT – Marty Doorn

SEMCO Makes Donation to McLaren Port Huron’s COVID-19 Relief Fund

This week, McLaren Port Huron announced that SEMCO Energy Gas Company has become a Healthcare Hero in this time of need! SEMCO made a $5000 donation toward the COVID-19 relief efforts at McLaren Port Huron.

The hospital is asking members of the community to also consider making a donation to their COVID-19 Relief Fund. McLaren Port Huron Foundation will use 100% of the funds received to provide support to the hospital, caregivers, and patients for needs related to COVID-19.  Lynn Griffor, Executive Director of McLaren Port Huron Foundation, told  WGRT,  “Not only will contributions help McLaren Port Huron in the fight against COVID-19, but the show of community support means everything to our front-line staff. We feel the support and it really helps.”

If you would like to make a contribution or if you are interested in donating items needed, please call 810-841-1971 or email

Reporting for WGRT – Marty Doorn

Millage Renewal for Blue Water Transit Happening Via Absentee Ballot

Blue Water Area Transportation is asking voters to approve the millage renewal on May 5th. Registered voters will receive an application for an absentee ballot which needs to be mailed back by May 1st so the ballot arrives in time for the vote. Blue Water Area Transit system provides regularly-scheduled bus service to the City of Port Huron, Marysville, and Fort Gratiot Township as well as a dial-a-ride service in Fort Gratiot, Burtchville, and Port Huron Townships six days a week.

In 2019,  Blue Water Area Transportation provided over one million passenger trips, and almost 500,000 passengers went through the downtown transit center.  Passengers use the bus system to get to work, stores, schools, appointments and more every day in our community. Blue Water Area Transportation also provides senior citizen and ADA accessible transportation as well as transportation for Community Mental Health, Community Enterprises, and Sacred Heart Rehabilitation center.

Transit officials state that, “busses are powered with natural gas and are always clean. Drivers are always friendly and riding is easy and very affordable.” Visit for more information or call (810) 987-7373.

Reporting for WGRT – Marty Doorn

Workplace Controls Being Considered in MI & Sarnia Needs Help Tracking Spread of Virus

Confirmed COVID-19 cases as of April 20th at 6:30 PM are as follows:

  • State of Michigan: 32,000 confirmed cases; 2,468 deaths
  • St. Clair County: 284 confirmed cases; 12 deaths
  • Ontario: 11,184 confirmed cases; 584 deaths
  • Sarnia-Lambton: 145 confirmed cases; 14 deaths

In a press conference today, Governor Whitmer announced a list of potential workplace controls that could be tailored to particular sectors to safely open up the economy. Controls such as limiting the number of visitors, reconfiguring work spaces to accomodate physical distancing, improved sanitation and access to handwashing, use of protective equipment, and access to testing are some of the things businesses need to evaluate.

Lambton Public Health is asking for the public’s help with their initiative to contact trace potential exposure of members of the public to COVID-19.  A local Taxi Driver tested positive for the Novel Coronavirus, so anyone who used Greg’s Taxi service on April 1, 3, 6, 7, 8 and/or 10th is urged to contact Lambton Public Health at 519-383-8331 so that public health officials can investigate the level of risk of exposure to them and offer guidance as appropriate.

Please continue to rely on reputable sources for information on COVID-19:

Reporting for WGRT – Jessie Wiegand

Ron Akred McLaren Port Huron Employee of the month

McLaren Port Huron’s March Employee of the Month

Ron Akred has been named McLaren Port Huron’s Employee of the Month for March. Akred has worked at McLaren Port Huron for a year in Care Management.

Akred was nominated by his peers because he lives the hospital values every day. He is very passionate about working with patients. He makes every patient feel like he works only for them, taking a personal interest in their cases. He optimizes patient advocacy, making sure, even in difficult situations, the patient’s best interests are being considered. At discharge, Akred always follows up with patients to make sure they have everything they need. His peers say Akred is an asset to the hospital. He is a team player, very resourceful, and lives the values of honesty, integrity and mutual respect.

 This employee recognition is given to individuals who consistently live the values, mission and performance standards of McLaren Port Huron. Honorees are nominated by a co-worker, physician, volunteer, and/or customer.

To learn more about McLaren Port Huron, visit

WGRT's On the Bright Side This Week's Good News

HOPE is Shining on Local Healthcare Workers and Food is Available for Those in Need

Here’s what’s happening On the Bright Side this week:
Hunter Hospitality House is shining HOPE on the hospital staff at Lake Huron Medical Center and McLaren Port Huron. They decorated both of their hospitality houses which are located next to each hospital to offer HOPE to the staff passing by.  They are also doing a fundraiser for the Thumbcoast Regional Response Fund at the Community Foundation of St. Clair County. You can purchase a Hunter Hospitality House T-Shirt, and proceeds from the sale will be contributed to the fund. Visit their website <HERE> for more information.


Eissmann Autmotive in Port Huron is utilizing their cutting and sewing equipment to produce up to 1200 masks per day. They have 15 employees working on this project creating washable masks that can be sanitized and used 40-50 times by medical personnel.

The SOS Marysville Food Pantry is open to serve and ready to help those who need food. The pantry operates out of a building located at 2929 Gratiot Avenue in Marysville. Carmela Burns, who founded the pantry in 2009, told WGRT that people often ask her what SOS stands for. The S stands for Sharing. The O stands for Our. The S stands for Strength. Carmela said her daughter came up with the name.

“Now, more than ever, it is vital we stay united as a community to learn together, lead together, and take care of one other,” she said.  The pantry got its start when Carmela Burns felt a calling from God to serve her community. In the past three weeks, they have provided food for over 1000 people, which adds up to $7000 worth of food. The all-volunteer pantry is staffed by 8 people, and due to the COVID-19 health crisis, the SOS Marysville Food Pantry does “no contact” safe delivery. The center operates on donations and grants, including one recently received from the Community Foundation of St. Clair County. For food assistance, people are urged to contact the them at 810-364-6333 to make arrangements.


North Lambton Community Health Centre is the tenth recipient to receive a grant from the United Way of Sarnia-Lambton COVID-19 Compassion Fund. They provide primary healthcare, health promotion and community development services to a priority population that includes seniors, First Nations people, mentally ill, low income families, and youth at risk. The $5,000 grant award will be used to assist clients and seniors who may have mental illness or vulnerable health with food, personal and cleaning supplies, and transportation.

The Compassion Fund is comprised of community donations from those who want to help our most vulnerable in the wake of COVID-19.  Donations can be made online at <HERE> or by calling 519-336-5452.

Looking for help? Looking for food? Deacon Dennis at Holy Trinity Catholic Parish has teamed up with Mike’s Food Fair. Working together, they are giving away FREE X-Large Pizzas with 2 toppings to anyone who is in need, for a limited time. You need the coupon to get your FREE pizza, so Call Deacon Dennis at 810-531-8232 to get your coupon. Then, take it to Mike’s Food Fair located at 1928 – 10th Street in Port Huron, and enjoy your X-Large 2 topping pizza.

Reporting for WGRT – Jessie Wiegand