Pavlov Supports Comprehensive School Safety Plan
All parents want to know their child’s school is a safe place to learn and grow. The Senate recently finalized a sweeping plan to strengthen safety in our schools. The plan will:
- Create the Office of School Safety within the State Police to offer staff training and update school safety practices;
- Develop training standards for anti-violence situations;
- Ensure schools work with law enforcement to conduct regular safety assessments;
- Create the School Safety Commission to establish school safety metrics and require schools to assign a liaison to work with the commission;
- Require schools to consult with law enforcement on new builds or school upgrades;
- Require schools to report attempted acts of violence;
- Allow school boards to discuss safety plans in closed door meetings;
- Permanently extend the OK2SAY tip program; and
- Make sure schools provide emergency contact information to the State Police.
Senate Bills 882, 982-983 and 990-991 and House Bills 5828-5829 and 5850-5852 now head to the governor to be signed..